Gloves for various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, pharma, and retail.

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Terms of Use

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Your Use of the S&G PLUS CORP Website

In connection with the S&G PLUS CORP website, you will not:

  • Use the S&G PLUS CORP website for any commercial purpose, or for any purpose that is fraudulent or otherwise unlawful.
    Collect or harvest information about S&G PLUS CORP customers, users of the S&G PLUS CORP website, or information contained within or accessible through the S&G PLUS CORP website.
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  • Mirror, frame, or embed any portion of the S&G PLUS CORP website, or otherwise incorporate any portion of the S&G PLUS CORP website into any product, tool, or service, unless you obtain S&G PLUS CORP’s express prior written consent to do so.
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  • Systematically download and store any information or other content available on or through the S&G PLUS CORP website.
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  • Bypass or attempt to bypass the navigational structure or presentation of the S&G PLUS CORP website or app, including by connecting directly to endpoints or APIs by a method other than regular use of the S&G PLUS CORP website without S&G PLUS CORP’s express prior written consent.

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S&G PLUS CORP uses reasonable efforts to assure the accuracy of the information on this website and periodically updates the information. However, S&G PLUS CORP disclaims any responsibility to update this website to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the original posting. S&G PLUS CORP provides this website on an “as is” and “as available” basis, takes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, or applicability of the information, and disclaims all warranties, express or implied. S&G PLUS CORP does not represent that the functions or operation of this site will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site, its servers, or any emails sent from S&G PLUS CORP are free of viruses or other harmful components. S&G PLUS CORP will not be liable to you for any damages whatsoever that result from (a) your use of or your inability to use this website or any content found on this website or (b) the unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data. S&G PLUS CORP also assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any damages to your computer equipment or other property caused by any virus as a result of your access to or the downloading of any materials from this website or app.


S&G PLUS CORP may terminate the right of any user to access the website at any time, with or without cause, at S&G PLUS CORP’s discretion and without notice.


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Nothing on this website should be construed as rendering tax, legal, investment, or accounting advice.


Unless otherwise expressly set forth herein, S&G PLUS CORP makes no representation that materials on this website or app are appropriate or available for use in any location. If you choose to access this website, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.

Other Agreements

You may have other agreements with S&G PLUS CORP. These “Terms of Use” apply to your use of this website and do not change or alter any other contract or agreement between you and S&G PLUS CORP.

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All trademarks, services marks, trade names, logos, and icons are proprietary to S&G PLUS CORP.  Nothing contained on the website should be construed as granting any license or right to use any trademark displayed on this website or app without the written permission of S&G PLUS CORP.

Images displayed on this website are either the property of or used with permission by S&G PLUS CORP. The use of these images by you or anyone else authorized by you is prohibited unless specifically permitted by S&G PLUS CORP in writing. Any unauthorized use of the images may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the law of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes.


S&G PLUS CORP offers links to other websites operated by other entities as a convenience to you in the belief that making hyperlinks available to publicly accessible web pages and newsgroups is legally permissible and consistent with the common, customary expectations of those who use the Internet. If you use these links, you will leave S&G PLUS CORP’s website. S&G PLUS CORP offers these links for informational purposes only and not as a referral or endorsement by S&G PLUS CORP of any third-party website. The third-party websites are maintained by their respective organizations and those organizations are solely responsible for the content and accuracy. S&G PLUS CORP makes no representation regarding the content or accuracy of any website that you may access through this website. Before entering any linked site, you should review and understand the site’s privacy policy.

Google Places API Web Service

Portions of our website use the Google Places API Web Service, specifically the Place Autocomplete Service. By using this service, you are bound by Google’s Terms of Service

Applicable Law

S&G PLUS CORP controls this website from its offices in Inverness, IL. The internal substantive laws of the State of Illinois will govern these Terms of Use and any dispute that may arise hereunder without regard to any conflict of law principles.  You agree to these terms, found at

You agree to be bound by these terms as they may from time to time be amended, revised, replaced, supplemented, or otherwise changed. You expressly understand and agree that the Terms of Use may be updated or modified from time to time by S&G PLUS CORP with or without notice to you.

Last Updated 
August 14, 2023